How did you get started? |
For a number of years, I did pen and ink house portraits. A friend,
Suzi Oberg, asked me to demonstrate paper cutting at the Museum
of American Frontier Culture. While doing a demonstration, Yulee
Larner, bird columnist for our local paper, commissioned me to
do a paper cutting of her gate. I was so excited when I did that
cutting! I still get excited when I think about it, and each
time I cut a new gate. |
Do you ever get to the very end and cut something off? |
Very seldom. I either throw it away, give it to my husband, or
change the design. |
How long have you been doing this? |
Since 1988. |
How did you learn to cut paper? |
I got an "A" in scissors, in the first grade! No seriously,
I think anyone can cut paper. It is just a matter of doing. |
Aren't you afraid that you will run out of gates to cut? |
No. There are so many out there, and so little time! |
How many times do you cut the same gate? |
I have done ten cuttings of a particular gate. The more
elaborate gates, (like The Mausoleum of James Monroe and
Northwestern University) are one-time cuttings. |
Do you cut them all at once? |
No. Each cutting is done separately, therefore each is actually
an original, and no two are exactly alike. |
Does it come framed? |
Yes. All of my work is framed in a 3-D mount and I use a frame
to echo the theme or design of the gate. |
How long does it take to cut a gate? |
The very simple ones may take only an hour. The more elaborate
ones take between five and ten hours of cutting time. Northwestern
took five years from the time I saw it until I completed it.
Much of that time was spent in drawing it. It seemed that I filled
many a trash can with drawings I did not like. |
How do you decide what to charge? |
My charges are based on the amount of time I take to draw it,
the cutting time, the mounting time, the framing time, and the
cost of supplies. I put all these factors into a formula and
charge from that. Sometimes I don't really know how much it will
cost until I am finished. |
How many blades do you use for a piece? |
Most simple pieces take from one to two blades. The more elaborate
ones may take from ten to twenty blades. A very long time ago
a man gave me a box of a thousand blades, I have used them all.
I frequently think of him and smile; it was so kind of him to
do that. |
Do you do commissioned work? |
I am accepting commissioned work again, and also following my
passion in my papercuttings and watercolors. |
Is it from a single sheet of paper? |
Yes, except for the obvious double gates, and the gates done
on more than one layer. |
I looked in the FAQ and did not see anything about how you make
the cuttings 3D. (Rodney) |
I mount the cuttings on either clear acrylic, or anti reflective
glass and float them in the center of the frame. See this
page. |
How do you get the gate cut-outs to stay in place? How do the
cut-outs float the way they appear to. I am quite perplexed.
(Chad) |
After cutting the paper, I very carefully mount the cutting on
a piece of clear acrylic. The acrylic is larger than the opening
of the first mat, therefore you cannot see the edges of it. I
then put spacers in front and behind the sheet of acrylic to
"float" it in the center of the frame, between the
front mat and the back mat. |
Tell me about the tiny envelope at the bottom of these pages.
I notice it is different from the ones you normally see for emails.
Does it bring up a window for me to send you an email? |
Yes it does. The tiny envelope is a thumbnail of Mrs.
Bush's invitation to The White House for the Artist Reception,
December 3, 2001. She gave this wonderful party for all 200 artists
who made the ornaments for the 2001 Christmas tree at the White
Here is a larger version of the envelope and the invitation....
it gave me goose bumps! |